Tuesday, April 30, 2013



I got this idea from a DIY website. First of all, I would like to say thank you for those who share their knowledge. From a basic idea and creation, you can develop it to something beautiful & give it your own touch to make it your own unique style. 

Following the steps of the DIY, i found some difficulties too in the making. So, i try to develop the technique so it will not tangle with each other since it will be moveable and i guess you can style it as you like it too when you wear it.

So, using the White Fresh Water Pearl and Metal, this is WHITE PEARL BRANCHES accessories set (Necklace, Bracelet & Earring). 

Harga Kalung : Rp. 205.000,- (Belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Harga Gelang : Rp. 75.000,-(Belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Harga Anting : Rp. 50.000,-(Belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Harga 1 Set = Rp. 315.000,- (Belum termasuk ongkos kirim)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's a fun crafty Sunday on Tjikini Craft Day :)

Inspirasi Tjikini Craft Day

Minggu lalu merupakan hari yang dilematis buatku. Kenapa? Karena eh karena, ada Inacraft & Tjikini Craft Day. Tapi karena kesibukan kerjaan dan beberapa faktor yang lain, akhirnya hari minggu menyempatkan diri mampir sebentar ke Tjikini Craft Day dan melewatkan Inacraft karena gak memungkinkan lagi sikon jalan raya kesana (stres baca info traffic... oh well sudah lah, maybe next time).

To be honest, pertama kali tau ada tjikini craft day ini dari facebook beberapa teman2 crafter tahun lalu 2012 (lupa persisnya kapan). Dan dari facebook juga, aku tau ada Tjikini Craft Day tgl 27-28 April 2013. Berhubung hari sabtu gak bisa jadwal padat seharian, jadi rencananya hari Minggu aja deh kesana. Tapi oh tetapi, pas baca status FB "Sawo Kecik" panen offline-nya udah sold out jam 11 di hari sabtu, agak jiper juga eenngg... minggu gimana ya masih ada gak ya. Terus liat beberapa foto teman-teman yang udah kesana so excited baaannggeett... So, hari minggu meluncurlah jam 10an kesana dengan harap2 cemas semoga masih rame. Hehehehe...

Pas sampe kira-kira jam 11, jreng jreng... meja2 stand didepan kedai Tjikini kok hanya ada 3 stand yg masih penuh sedangkan yang lainnya meja-meja kosong.. Dalam hati "Oh no... noooo.... masa udah abis sold out sedangkan baru jam segini (jam 11an)...". Ahirnya bertanya, dan ternyata baru pada mulai kok mendisplay standnya dan ada yg belum dateng... Oohh ppphhiiiiuuuwwwhhh... lega :) (yeeaaah agak lebay ya tapi memang aku kepikirnya ya gitu hihihihi).

Singkat cerita, ide craft yang gak kepikiran dan brilliant. Bahan yang mungkin sederhana bahkan recycle dikombinasikan dgn bahan lain, jadi craft yang unik dan one of a kind. Bagaikan membuka cakrawala baru (haiiyaaah lebay again). Tapi serius, justru datang ke acara-acara seperti ini akan sangat membuka wawasan banget.

Contohnya seperti Mba Nani (Ininani) dengan syal kantongnya yang lucu fungsional dan menarik. Cemprut dengan ouuugghh jahitan2nya yang unyu2. 13 Tiga Belas oleh Hitomi Miyashita dengan ide recycle karung menjadi tas, dompet dan lain-lain yang wuooowww cool (serius aku naksir tas bolak balik karung goni & batiknya tapi gak beli trus sampe skarang kepikiran... hiiiihhhh...). Ada juga crafter cowo (lupa nanya namanya) yang bikin kalung gelang dll yang unik dan kyknya belum pernah liat (agak jarang ketemu crafter cowo hehehehe). Oh ya ada juga yang jual teh dan ikan bilis (aku nyobain ikan bilisnya hehehe).
Ada juga yang lagi ikut workshop scrapbook. Seandainya ada waktu, pengen juga ikutan join workshop-nya tapi karena keterbatasan waktu jd ngeliatin aja deh sebentar.

Sayangnya karena aku gak bawa kamera, jadinya foto pake HP dan ups... stand yang bagian dalem agak2 burem dan blur karena kurang cahaya dan aku terlalu cepat bergerak (I am too excited... ouwwhh..).

Semoga lain kali bisa dateng lagi ke acara-acara seperti ini. Ikutan buka stand sepertinya sounds a good idea juga ya. Apalagi untuk event weekend seperti kemarin itu. It's a fun crafty Sunday :)


Keren-keren ya craft-nya

Scrapbook & kalung2. Sebelah kiri 13 dengan recycle-nya. Keren bangettt...

Kalung-kalung dari kain batik. So sweet banget desainnya.

Workshop scrapbook

Made By Request : Pesanan Ibu Teti Budiman

Made by request Ibu Teti Budiman ini agak gak disangka2.
Karena desain yang dipilih cukup nyentrik juga. Rangkaian koin-koin yang disusun di rantai jadi kalo setiap jalan agak bunyi klinting klinting.  Desain aslinya sebenernya dikombinasiin dengan rangkaian batu juga tapi batunya dicopot supaya keseluruhan kalungnya metal semua. Funky kan :)

Thank you Tante ^_^

Made By Request : Pesanan Ibu Teti Budiman
Token Chain Necklace

Saturday, April 13, 2013

DIY: Spaghetti In A Sausage

This idea of spaghetti in a sausage comes from a DIY website.
I think this is great for kids. Cause it is look interesting. The sauce is just any kind of sauce you want for pasta. However, dont mix it too much because it'll break the spaghetti.

Slice each 1 sausage to 4-5 pieces. And just stick the spaghetti to the sausage. The sausage must be soft enough (if you keep it on fridge, just put it on room temperature so it will be soft enough or defrost it if it's frozen ). Be careful not to push too hard because you'll break the spaghetti. Boil it as for few minute (read the packaging of your spaghetti), mix it with the sauce and sprinkle cheese of your choise and ready to eat.



Tante Dora, one of my regular craft lover, challenge me to make her a design that can use stones and beads from her collection. She gave me the freedom to decide, necklace or bracelet or something else. Challenge accepted :)

After a while of trying and thinking, i decide to make 2 necklace.
1 simple necklace with chain and 1 stone and the other one is mix stones & beads and use chain and hook at the back.

The one thing that make me happy is when i see the person using my design is Happy. Thank you tante :)

Simple necklace. I love that stone. It reminds me of Istanbul

Mix stones & beads with chain & hook

Ready Pack

MADE BY REQUEST : Mba Linda Yani

Alhamdulillah 2 set pesanan mba Linda Yani sudah selesai dan dikirim.
Dua-duanya menggunakan fresh water pearl dengan ukuran yang berbeda-beda.
Desain klasik untuk mutiara putih & desain simple yang manis untuk mutiara abu-abu.





Wednesday, April 10, 2013

DIY: Baked Potato French Fries

Ok, first of all, I should not say it's fries, because there's no frying at all. But it look and taste as if it is a french fries. Hahahaha...

So this is not a fast food as fast as you just fry a potato from a bag frozen from supermarket. However, a 30 minute meal is fast enough though for me. There are 2 ways of cooking the potato, boil and baked. So be patient and this is how I make my version of potato. The portion is for 1 person. So if you want to make more or less than this, just double or reduce it for your taste.

3 Potatoes, wash clean, peel and cut to bite size. Cut smaller/thinner so it will boil faster.
Water to boil
A pinch of salt for boiling the potato
A pinch of salt for baking the potato
White/black pepper
Oregano or other herbs you like (or you can skip it if you don't want to use herbs)
Olive oil for baking (probably around 2-3 tablespoon)

Side dish for this picture: Scramble Egg & Chili Sauce

Boil the water while you clean and cut the potatoes. Put the potatoes into the boiling water and add a pinch of salt. Boil it for around 5-10 minutes, and check by poking the potatoes with fork if it's soft enough so it fall from the fork. But don't let it too soft because it will break when you prepare it for baking.

Preheat the oven (so sorry I don't know how hot but i use both up and bottom heater).
Dry the potato and let it cool for a minute or two. Put the potatoes in a plate/bowl, mix it with the salt, pepper and oregano. Mix it with your hand and shake the potato in the bowl for a while so it will mix.
In a baking tray, pour the olive oil, and coat each potato with the oil while you arrange the potato on the tray.
Baked it in the oven for around 15-20 minutes (depends on how thick you cut the potato). Since it already eatable, you just bake it for the crunchy crust.

While the potato baked, you can prepare the side dishes. I make scramble egg. Or you can boil other vegetable or smoked beef if you like. It's up to you :)

So, after 15-20 minute it is ready. If you see it too greasy because you use too much olive oil, you can put the potato to a paper towel and let it absorb the oil. And it ready to be served.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Made By Request : Mba Linda Yani - Long White Pearl Necklace

Made By Request pesanan mba Linda Yani.
Mba Linda spesifik sekali dengan detail desain yang ingin dibuatkan.
Panjang kalung 2 susun ini pun sudah diukurnya sesuai keinginan.
Ada 2 alternative kalung yang dibuatkan. Untuk ukuran, tentu sama. Yang membedakan adalah ukuran mutiara yang dipakai untuk kalung panjang alternative pertama dan kedua.

Kalau mau  pesan aksesoris Made By Request juga, email aja ke mega.nurdin@gmail.com atau add Facebook Initu Tuini.

Made By Request :  LONG WHITE PEARL NECKLACE (Alternative 1)
Rp. 200.000,- (Belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Mutiara air tawar (fresh water pearls) ellips besar. 
Susun pertama 56 cm dan susunan kedua 70 cm. Dengan kait 1-0 dibelakang leher.


Made By Request : LONG MIX SIZE WHITE PEARL NECKLACE (Alternative 2)
Rp. 165.000,- (Belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Mutiara air tawar (fresh water pearls) ellips besar & sedang. 
Susun pertama 56 cm dan susunan kedua 70 cm. Dengan kait 1-0 dibelakang leher.