I know, this blog is suppose to be a handmade things that i made. But lately since the flood, I've been kinda temporary stop making it for a month now i guess. I start making my handmade jewelry yesterday so wait and see for my new collection for March.
Anyway, it's Sunday. So i make a quick decision of making a flat bread. Improving on learning to make a flat bread actually. So a basic recipe of Naan Bread it is, since i have a pack of yoghourt on the fridge.
I go to Youtube to remind myself on how to make the bread (even though i have a blog about it too).
So this time i use :
in a small bowl, put:
1 teaspoon instant yeast
125 ml warm water
1 teaspoon sugar
let the yeast for around 5-10 minutes
In a bigger bowl, shift in :
350 gram plain flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
and then put in to the bigger bowl :
Approximately 60ml plain yoghourt
2 tablespoon olive oil (or melt butter or gee)
1 egg (this is optional, you can skip it if you want a veggie version)
and the yeast mix from a small bowl
For baking, in a small bowl, mix:
2 tablespoon of celery (finely slice)
4-5 tablespoon olive oil to brush
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper
Optional to spread on top of the bread Basil seeds, oregano leafs or chili powder or other herbs you want
Mix it all with hand until the dough form like a ball. Use a flat surface and flour it, and continue knead the dough for about 5 minute and form it back to a ball. In a clean bowl, put about a tablespoon olive oil and spread it around and then put the dough and also spread just a bit of the olive oil. Cover it with a plastic and keep it in a warm place for about 1 hour until it double the size.
Punch the dough, not too hard though. Knead it for a few minute in a flat surface again. Divide the dough to several small dough (depend on how big you want the bread). Flat the dough using a tool (since i don't have it, so i just use an empty bottle with cylinder size), and spread the olive oil mixture. Baked it for 5-10 minute in a hot oven (seriously i need to have a temperature to measure how hot it is hahaha). Keep looking/peaking from the oven glass, in case your bread is very flat, it doesn't need a long time to bake.
As you know from my previous recipe blog, i always twist my recipe. so this time i also make hot herb tuna pizza and bread with cheese filling.
It turn out great too. So i do feel happy this time my twisted recipe workout great. Yeeaayy for weekend..